Village Dolno Sahrane
The village of Dolno Sahrane is located some 7 km away from the town of Pavel Banya, on an asphalt road to the town of Kazanlak and is situated between the sub-Balkan highway (north of it) and the railway line (south of it), just 1 km south of the neighboring village of Gorno Sahrane.
The village of Dolno Sahrane is host to the National children’s folklore festival "Zagorche", which takes place in the first week of July, every even year, in the Ormana place not far from the village.
The village of Dolno Sahrane is host to the National children’s folklore festival "Zagorche", which takes place in the first week of July, every even year, in the Ormana place not far from the village.
Quick facts about Village Dolno Sahrane
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село Долно СахранеRegion: South-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Stara Zagora district
Municipality: Pavel banya municipality
Latitude: 42.6351675
Longtitude: 25.2311419
Altitude: from 300 to 499
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 156.604km
Area Size: 14.589km2
Population: 769 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 6161
Phone Code: 04329