Village Vetren
The village of Vetren is located in the "Valley of roses" (South-Eastern Bulgaria) in the foots of Stara Planina mountain. It is included in Municipality Maglij (Stara Zagora District).
The general landmarks are: The church "Sveto Blagoveshtenie" built 1881 (it was also the first school in the village); Fortress Kaleto (situated 2km North from the village of Vetren); "The 5 mounds" area (by the legends they are necropolis of ancient settlement); The memorial near "Kriva Reka" area (in honour of 8 Russian soldiers died near the village at 04.06.1877); holiday village Slivoto is at distance of 8 kilometers West from village of Vetren.
Quick facts about Village Vetren
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село ВетренRegion: South-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Stara Zagora district
Municipality: Maglij municipality
Latitude: 42.5999985
Longtitude: 25.6830006
Altitude: from 300 to 499
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 193.733km
Area Size: 30.731km2
Population: 1072 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 6175