Village Slivarovo
The village of Slivarovo is located 17 km east of the town of Malko Tarnovo. The village is situated amidst the virgin forests of the Strandja Mountain. The village of Slivarovo has existed in the antiquity. The uncovered finds – remains of a Roman and late antiquity fortress, a coin treasure, mound necropolises and traces from a stone sanctuary, emphasize its Thracian origin.
Fruit and vine growing are well developed in the region. The village was completely surrounded by fruit and vine gardens. The best granite deposit in the region is located just outside the village of Slivarovo.
The decrease in the number of residents of the village played a role in the thorough development of Slivarovo.
Fruit and vine growing are well developed in the region. The village was completely surrounded by fruit and vine gardens. The best granite deposit in the region is located just outside the village of Slivarovo.
The decrease in the number of residents of the village played a role in the thorough development of Slivarovo.
Quick facts about Village Slivarovo
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село СливаровоRegion: South-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Bourgas district
Municipality: Malko Turnovo municipality
Latitude: 41.9669991
Longtitude: 27.6669998
Altitude: from 300 to 499
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 366.308km
Area Size: 83.49km2
Population: 11 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 8358
Photos Village Slivarovo (8) »
External links Village Slivarovo
Slivarovo (Slivarovo)
Slivarovo (Slivarovo)
Slivarovo (Slivarovo)