Village Tutrakantsi
The village of Tutrakantsi is located in North-East Bulgaria and is part of Municipality Provadia (Varna District). It is situiated 4 km far from municipal center town of Provadia and 50 km far from the sea capital - Varna city (45 km to Varna International Airport via highway). The region is ecologically clean. There are three lakes and forest around Tutrakantsi.
Quick facts about Village Tutrakantsi
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село ТутраканциOther transliteration(s): Tutrakanci, Tutrakantzi
Region: North-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Varna district
Municipality: Provadia municipality
Latitude: 43.1166649
Longtitude: 27.4333324
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 338.695km
Area Size: 11.419km2
Population: 222 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 9275
Phone Code: 05121