Village Podgorie
The village of Podgorie is located in Municipality Kostenets (Sofia District) just off the Ochusa - Kostenets road at distance around 85km from Sofia, 25kms from Ihtiman and about 9kms from Kostenets.
The name Podgorie means `Under the Forest` which is very suitable for this small and peaceful village. Surrounded by thick forests and undulating countryside, the village is like a small haven in the ancient forest that surrounds it and fresh and unpolluted air and countryside.
The name Podgorie means `Under the Forest` which is very suitable for this small and peaceful village. Surrounded by thick forests and undulating countryside, the village is like a small haven in the ancient forest that surrounds it and fresh and unpolluted air and countryside.
Quick facts about Village Podgorie
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село ПодгориеRegion: South-Western planing region of Bulgaria
District: Sofia district
Municipality: Kostenets municipality
Latitude: 42.3829994
Longtitude: 23.7670002
Altitude: from 700 to 999
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 49.72km
Area Size: 15.871km2
Population: 16 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 2049