Phone codes Village Malko Tranovo
Village of Malko Tranovo (district Stara Zagora district) is located in South-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria. It is part of Chirpan municipality.The phone code of Village of Malko Tranovo is 041354.
To make a local call (from Bulgaria to other place in Bulgaria) you need to dial the area dial code (it is starting with "0") and then subscriber number, even the subcriber is located in same place from where you are dialing.
To call Bulgaria from another country (international call) - dial 00 (or other prefix if it is different), folowed by the country dial code of Bulgaria (359), then code of dialed location (without leading 0) and the subscriber number at last.
To make a local phone call from Bulgaria to number in Village of Malko Tranovo: 041354xxxx
To make a local phone call from a foreign country to number in Village of Malko Tranovo: 0035941354xxxx
Phone codes towns and villages in same municipality
- Town Chirpan : 0416
- Village Darjava : 04138
- Village Dimitrievo : 041339
- Village Gita : 04138
- Village Izvorovo :
- Village Malko Tranovo : 041354
- Village Mogilovo : 041335
- Village Oslarka : 04138
- Village Rupkite : 041356
- Village Spasovo :
- Village Sredno gradishte : 041333
- Village Stoyan-Zaimovo :
- Village Svoboda :
- Village Tselina : 041338
- Village Tsenovo :
- Village Vinarovo :
- Village Volovarovo :
- Village Yavorovo :
- Village Yazdach : 041336
- Village Zetyovo :
- Village Zlatna livada : 041338