Village Bolyartsi
The village of Bolyartsi is located in North-East Bulgaria in Municipality Avren (Varna District) 22km away from the city of Varna and 25 min driving from the international airport Varna. Main sectors of economy which are well developing are agriculture primarily farming, rural and ecological tourism. Bolyartsi has good road connections, good water-supply network, center for population information services, a post-office and a community club.
There are some archeological finds of pre-historic and ancient settlements, also an ancient necropolis consisting of six burial mounds.
The proximity to the sea, the forest nearby and the good road connections favor the investments in tourism.
There are some archeological finds of pre-historic and ancient settlements, also an ancient necropolis consisting of six burial mounds.
The proximity to the sea, the forest nearby and the good road connections favor the investments in tourism.
Quick facts about Village Bolyartsi
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село БолярциOther transliteration(s): Boliarci, Bolyartzi
Region: North-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Varna district
Municipality: Avren municipality
Latitude: 43.0666656
Longtitude: 27.7999992
Altitude: from 100 to 199
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 367.732km
Area Size: 14.169km2
Population: 180 people (31.12.2013)
Phone Code: 05105