Village Benkovski
The village of Benkovski is located in North-East Bulgaria. It is included in Municipality Avren (Varna District). It`s major branches of economy are agriculture, plum and sour cherry orchards (the soil favors vine growing and orchards).
The village of Benkovski has very good road and transport connections (it is at distane of 15 km from city of Varna); a good telephone line coverage, a center for population information service, a post office, a good water – supply network.
The proximity to Varna and the good roads provide opportunities for commercial ventures directed to both the big city and the Kamchia Resort Complex.
The village of Benkovski has very good road and transport connections (it is at distane of 15 km from city of Varna); a good telephone line coverage, a center for population information service, a post office, a good water – supply network.
The proximity to Varna and the good roads provide opportunities for commercial ventures directed to both the big city and the Kamchia Resort Complex.
Quick facts about Village Benkovski
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село БенковскиRegion: North-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Varna district
Municipality: Avren municipality
Latitude: 43.1170006
Longtitude: 27.7830009
Altitude: from 200 to 299
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 366.902km
Area Size: 13.232km2
Population: 568 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 9133
Phone Code: 05105