Village Krivonos
The village of Krivonos is located in South-West Bulgaria and is included in Municipality Breznik (Pernik District). It is at distance 20km from town of Breznik and 30km from town of Tran. The village is roundabout the next mountains: Lyubash, Paramunska (Strazha), Mogila and peak Cheverlyuga. Krivonos offers good conditions for rural tourism.
Culture landmarks: Monastery St Nikola in the foots of Lyubash mountain, church St Nikolay Mirikliyski in the village of Krivonos
Nature landmarks: artificial lake Izvor (sport fishing), cave at Lyubash peak (with undiscovered entrance yet)
Quick facts about Village Krivonos
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село КривоносRegion: South-Western planing region of Bulgaria
District: Pernik district
Municipality: Breznik municipality
Latitude: 42.7410011
Longtitude: 22.7590008
Altitude: from 700 to 999
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 46.042km
Area Size: 6.295km2
Population: 8 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 2386
Photos Village Krivonos (5) »
External links Village Krivonos (Krivonos)