Village Goren chiflik
The village of Goren chiflik is located in North-East Bulgaria at 5km from Varna - Bourgas highway. It is included in the Municipality Dolni chiflik (Varna District). The closest town Dolen Chiflik (a municipal countryside town) wich is located about 2 km. from the village.
Goren Chiflik is at distance of 50 km. from city of Varna, 25 km. from the Black Sea Coast and the Shcorpilovtsi Sea Resort. The Nature Reserve - Longouza is situated in close distance and the whole area is also popular as a hunting & fishing spot with local hunting grounds. The big and picturesque Lake of Tsonevo is located just 15 km. further and the River Kamchia is 5 km. away.
Quick facts about Village Goren chiflik
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Село Горен чифликOther transliteration(s): Gorni chiflik
Region: North-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Varna district
Municipality: Dolni chiflik municipality
Latitude: 43.0169983
Longtitude: 27.6170006
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 352.446km
Area Size: 42.228km2
Population: 1502 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 9142
Phone Code: 05146